China’s beard, veil ban in Xinjiang comes into effect

AP, Beijing :
China has introduced new restrictions in the far-western region of Xinjiang in what it describes as a campaign against Islamist extremism.
The measures, which took effect from Saturday, include prohibiting “abnormally” long beards and the wearing of veils in public places, reported South China Morning Post newspaper.
The latest restrictions, outlined in a sweeping new anti-extremism legislation, come on the heels of a series of steps to increase surveillance in the region that include the surrender of passports and mandatory GPS trackers in cars.
China has introduced new restrictions in the far-western region of Xinjiang in what it describes as a campaign against Islamist extremism.
The measures, which took effect from Saturday, include prohibiting “abnormally” long beards and the wearing of veils in public places, reported South China Morning Post newspaper.
The latest restrictions, outlined in a sweeping new anti-extremism legislation, come on the heels of a series of steps to increase surveillance in the region that include the surrender of passports and mandatory GPS trackers in cars.
It will also be illegal to refuse to watch state television and listen to state radio, or prevent children from receiving national education-activities deemed “manifestations” of extremism, according to the official news website