Child`s online presence must be secured from pornography


GIRLS as young as nine to 15 are first targeted on different social media, especially Instagram, and then they are provoked by different sexual content. Once the child responds, she is then blackmailed for nude videos and photographs that could be sold on the dark web in exchange for bitcoins. This is how people involved in child pornography usually get their dirty job done.
Upon receiving a complaint on Facebook from a victim in the United States against such child pornographers, the digital forensic team of cybercrime unit of the Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) arrested three Bangladeshi men. The arrestees are Borhan Uddin, 26, his cousin Abdullah Al Mahmud, 25, and Ovi Hossain, 25. Police also recovered around 3,316 photos and videos of 45 juvenile girls, sex toys and a “manual” about how to convince a girl to provide nude content, he said. Of the victims, 3 are Bangladeshis and 42 others are from the US, the United Kingdom and Australia.
The ultimate goals of these syndicate members are to collect bitcoins (a form of virtual currency) through the dark web by selling pornography. We have been fortunate so far in that Bangladesh has largely escaped the clutches of the dark web and its associated content like child pornography. But this is the first time that Bangladeshis have been arrested in Bangladesh for committing such crimes — a notorious first example which will live in infamy.
This incident should tell us how important it is for us to protect our children from the dangers of online surfing. Bangladeshi parents and guardians are completely oblivious to their kids spending time on the internet — even encouraging them to do so. But it is high time that they should be aware that the net is not only a place of wonder but also of intimidation and terror.
Guardians should check what their children are doing on social media sites and remain alert regarding whether they are becoming victims of child pornography. They can easily install programs like net nanny and others which will monitor their child’s online presence and figure out what they are doing. A stitch in time saves nine — only, of course, early preventive action will go a long way to keep ones children mentally healthy. These perverted individuals must be punished to the full extent of the law.
Andy Mukherjee
