Chelsea Clinton says her mother ‘never forgets who she’s fighting for’


AP, Philadelphia :Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton, praised her mother’s dedication to public service in her speech introducing the former secretary of state to the DNC, saying that “she never forgets who she’s fighting for.””I’m here as a proud American, a proud Democrat, a proud mother, and a very, very proud daughter,” Chelsea Clinton began in her endorsement of her mother.She described her mother as “wonderful” and “hilarious,” and recounted stories about her mother reading “Goodnight Moon” to her. She also described her mother as a devoted grandmother.Her father, President Bill Clinton, could be seen focusing on the speech intently while she spoke.She talked about her parents’ work on education, and health care.”Public service is about service,” she said about her mother’s work as a politician.She said that her mother would get “straight to work” after hearing about people’s problems. She also recounted her mother’s losing fight to achieve universal health care in 1994, and how she recovered, getting “right back to work.”Gun violence, criminal justice reform, women’s rights, and climate change were issues she said her mother would focus on as president.”I know with all my heart that my mother will make us proud,” she said.Chelsea Clinton, 36, is remembered as being a shy teenager who grew up in the White House under the glare of the political spotlight. In 2008, she campaigned for her mother in her primary run against then Senator Barack Obama.The mother of two is married to Marc Mezvinsky, an American former investment banker and co-founder of the hedge fund Eaglevale Partner. Mezvinsky’s career as a hedge fund manager came under the microscope at times during Clinton’s primary battle with Sen. Bernie Sanders, and was used as ammunition to portray the Clintons as being uncomfortably close to Wall Street, and out of touch with everyday Americans.Chelsea Clinton’s friendship to Ivanka Trump, daughter of Republican nominee Donald Trump, has also been of interest to voters.The two women haven’t made public appearances together since their parents became political rivals in the upcoming presidential election, but have a friendship through their husbands.Ivanka Trump recently told People magazine they have remained friends, despite the campaign spotlight.
