Charges framed against casino ‘kingpin’ Salim Prodhan


Court Correspondent :
The Special Judge Court-6 of Dhaka yesterday framed charges against online casino “kingpin” Salim Prodhan in a case filed on the charge of amassing Tk 57.79 crore illegally and laundering about Tk 22 crore to Thailand and the USA.
Salim, now in jail, pleaded not guilty and demanded justice after Judge Al Asad Md Asifuzzaman of the court read out the charges to him. Later, the judge fixed November 25 for starting trial in the case.
On March 21 this year, Judge KM Emrul Kayesh of the Senior Special Judge’s Court of Dhaka took cognizance of the charges against the accused and transferred the case to the Special Judge Court-6 for trial.
On February 4, Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Deputy Director Gulshan Anwar Pradhan, also the Investigation Officer of the case, submitted the charge sheet to the Senior Special Judge’s Court.
Salim, who came to the fore in 2019 when law enforcers conducted drives against illegal casino businesses, for allegedly amassed his wealth from online casino businesses, said investigators.
