Challenged people being involved in mainstream development: Tofail


BSS, Dhaka :
Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed today said the government has attached highest priority to mainstreaming the challenged people through making them efficient workforce for ensuring inclusive development in the country.
“Like other people, physically challenged people are getting equal opportunities to flourish their talent to become worthy citizen of the country,” he told a seminar on “Inclusive development: mainstreaming the challenged people” at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre here.
Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) organized the seminar as part of celebrating its 25th founding anniversary.
Officials, rights activists, representatives of different non-government organizations, among others, took part in the open discussion with member of board of directors of PKSF Munshi Foiz Ahmed in the chair.
Chief Executive of Young Power in Social Action Md Arifur Rahman and Executive Director of Bandhu Kallyan Foundation Md Golam Ahia made separate presentations at the seminar.
Tofail said the government is implementing various projects for the welfare of the people with disability to make sure their survival in society with dignity.
It is impossible to achieve middle-income status for Bangladesh keeping the disabled people aside, he said adding, “We have to change our mindset towards the people with disability to get them involved in all development process.”
In his presentation, Arifur Rahman said nearly 10 percent of total population in Bangladesh are having different kinds of disabilities.
The World Health Survey estimates that 110 million with 2.2 percent have very significant difficulties in functioning while the Global Burden of Disease estimates that 190 million with 3.8 percent have severe disability, he added.
