Chalanda Giripath gives rainbow recreation

Mohammad Juel, CU Correspondent :
If you want to enjoy the play of sunny ray, be thrilled with cold water or if you want to discover the new, just come to the ‘Chalanda Giripath’ near to the Chittagong University.
The locally called Chalanda Giripath is 23 km far away to the Chittagong city and just a two kilometer behind the Chittagong University from where just a 50 minute-walk give you the thrilling feelings undoubtedly.
Chalanda Giripath was first discovered by the members of Chittagong University Photographic Society in 2011, publicizing the romantic scenario to the students of Chittagong University through posting their visit and scenario picture to social communication site Facebook.
Recently a team of Journalism department along with the writer paid a visit to the Chalanda Giripath, discovering the green hills, guts connected to the hills, from where the cold water falling and the most attractive Chalanda.
The team paid a 50-minute walk from the arts faculty ‘jhupri’ through the gut, then reached the last point of Chalanda, from where it seems that Chalanda is totally disconnected with the rest world as the ray come from the sun and reflected from the green leaf was seen giving several colors. Especially, it was seen as rainbow which fall its ray to our eyes.