Celebration of life must be protected while punishing rowdyism


MOST of the national dailies reported on Tuesday that the government has imposed a ban on all outdoor programmes and gatherings from New Year Eve dusk to dawn the next day due to the security concern of celebrators as well as general people of the country. In this context, law enforcers said that the quarters which have carried out recent subversive activities at different parts of the country may take advantage on the day and this is why it won’t be right to hold any outdoor programmes.An occasion of joy is joyous for everybody irrespective of cultural differences. Every culture must have the capacity not to lose its own special side, but it always goes on accepting the influence of other cultures with the conscious guidance of what is adoptable and what is not.Celebrating English new year cannot be seen as cultural invasion. But the unruly behaviour is not celebration. The government must be able to ensure celebration of any joyous event. Restricting celebration of life is not the sign of a strong and able government. Society must be made safe by responsible leadership.Much more than police actions are necessary for social discipline among the young ones. The problem is that our leaders have no good influence on the younger generation. They want to control everything by police power. No human society will tolerate needless police restrictions over celebration of happy occasions. Police power is not for restraining cultural influence. Our police are not claiming to do so. They are talking unruly behaviour on the part of young ones who are yet to know that callous or rowdy behaviour cannot be an enjoyment of a happy occasion, like welcoming the new English year.But police are being asked to do what they cannot do alone. The rowdy politics of our country is not helpful for sober conduct of our young ones.
