CCC review committee to reassess holding tax : Mayor


Mayor of Chittagong City Corporation (CCC) A J M Nasir Uddin has declared that the increased holding taxes will not be exempted.
He said, CCC will take taxes as per law. The city dwellers can appeal before the review committees and the review committees will decide the assessment of taxes. There is no other option to decrease the taxes without appeal.
He also said all government organisations have accountability to the government. As a mayor, he is accountable to the ministry concerned. So, as per circulation of the ministry, they will collect taxes.
Addressing the 27th General Meeting of CCC on Sunday last A J M Nasir Uddin directed formation of review committees and said the review committees will hear the appeals of the city dwellers from October 29. “I hope that the committees will take decision to decrease the sufferings and confusion that are created among the people.” The meeting was chaired by mayor Nasir Uddin.
He also thanked the Prime minister for increasing the salaries of mayor and ward councilors. He requested the ward councilors to create public opinion for the increased taxes.
He alleged that vested quarters are trying to discourage the city dwellers from paying taxes by telling that the city corporation has increased the holding taxes. But, the fact is that CCC is not increasing any taxes, but reassessment of the values of holdings caused the increase of holding taxes.”
He also said, CCC is going to introduce Holding Tax Management System (HTMS) by automation to ensure the transparency in tax collection. After introducing the automation system, everyone can pay taxes from home. Through the HTMS, transparency will be ensured and the tax collection will be increased.
It may be mentioned that incumbent mayor had faced questions from ward councilors about increased taxes at the 26th General Meeting of CCC held on September 21.
CMCH MRI service resumes: Chittagong Medical College Hospital resumed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner service yesterday three years after the old machine went out of order.
A new MRI machine has already been installed in the radiology and imaging department at a cost of Tk 10 crore, said CMCH sources.
Chittagong City Corporation Mayor AJM Nasir Uddin inaugurated the machine.
Dr Subas Majumder of the department said initially a total of 20 patients can be given the service a day. The number will be increased gradually, he added.
