Moudud to partymen: Cast your vote fearlessly

Staff Reporter :
BNP Standing Committee member Barrister Moudud Ahmed on Friday told his partymen that the upcoming Parliamentary election would the last chance for them.
 “It is our last chance. It is our last test also. You will have to cast your votes fearlessly. We have no other choice,” Moudud Ahmed said while addressing a discussion meeting at the Jatiya Press Club in the capital.
He said, “We like to remember our partymen to get ready to cast their votes.”
He accused the government of becoming desperate to win the election by any means.
Moudud Ahmed claimed, according to all intelligence reports the ruling party has no chance to win the polls.
He accused the Election Commission (EC) of failing to create a level-playing field.
He said, the EC has become part of the ruling party.
He said, no official of the civil and police administrations has so far been transferred though the BNP pointed allegations against many of them.
The BNP leader alleged that the government and the EC are working for a common goal to ensure the victory of the ruling party.