Canadian government`s bold solidarity with Muslims

THE killing of six Muslims and wounding another eight in a Quebec mosque shooting in Canada as they were offering evening prayers came to be seen as how anti-Muslim extremism linked to Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim provocation at his inauguration as President of the United States is escalating violence. The Canadians are largely a peaceful society with sporadic attack on Muslim community by ultra-right extremists. Otherwise the multiracial character of the Canadian society is distinctly preserved in mainstream political and social life.

The outpouring of condemnation by the Canadian government and people coming out from all walks of life in severe cold and sympathy to the victims must be gratefully appreciated by Muslims everywhere when President Trump is most irresponsibly punishing the innocent Muslims for acts of terrorism by a few.

Many believe that it may have been hastened by the offer of shelter by the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to refugees after US President Donald Trump suspended the US refugee program and temporarily barred citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the USA. Many such visitors are now stranded at US airports.

The attack may be a warning from the ultra-nationalists to the Muslims not to come to Canada for shelter.


Needless to say, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has “condemned this terrorist attack …. in a center of worship and refuge,” and reassured the Muslim community saying “Muslim-Canadians are an important part of our national fabric, and these senseless acts have no place in our communities, cities and country.”

The attack has sparked global condemnation. French President Francois Hollande said the attack undermines “the spirit of peace and tolerance of the citizens of Quebec”. Muslims in France, many of them from North Africa are also facing similar reprisal in an environment of terrorists attacks in France. But Hollande said France “stands shoulder to shoulder with the Quebec victims and their families”.

All the Muslim countries have been disowning the so named Muslim terrorists not being real Muslims. Islam does not approve of killing innocent and unarmed men, women and children. That, the Muslims have reasons to be angry for the atrocities and carnage committed against the Muslims indiscriminately in Iraq and Afghanistan is understandable, but the motivation of these extremists and who are the inspirer are certainly not as clear as some in the West claim. They even killed many more Muslims than others.

But we shall insist that now is the time for the Muslim leaders despite their longstanding disunity to come together to uphold the good name of Islam and show the courage called for by the crisis.
