Poura elections: Campaign of three municipalities going on in Kurigram

Kurigram Correspondent :
The campaign of three municipalities in Kurigram district is going on in full swing. The candidates are going door to door shaking hands blessings from all every day. The workers of the candidates are going to markets, shops, houses with hand posters demanding votes for Mayors, councilors and women councilors for reserve seats. The female workers enter into the houses of voters in day time while male workers are entering at night demanding votes and Doa for the candidate. The roads, markets and other places are covered with posters including portraits and symbols. They are also hung with trees and in building with rope to attract the people. The rebel aspirants withdrew their nomination papers and are working in favour of respective party nominated mayoral cadidate. All the BNP workers are campaigning for the Mayoral Candidate Noor Islam Nuru, the present Mayor in Kurigram municipality in the symbol of “Dhaner shish” and he will win in the up coming election if the election will held in free and fare, BNP candidate Noor Islam Nuru said.On the other hand Abdul Jalil is the candidate of Awami league. He stands in the municipality election earlier but defeated. The workers are campaigning everywhere.His campaign and posters are everywhere. Belal Hossain is also campaigning from Islam Sasontontro with the symbol of hatpakha. In Nageswari municipality poll, triangle fight will be held as per local opinion. The present Mayor Abdur Rahman Miah (Langol protik-JP) is shaking hands blessings doa from the voters. BNP candidate Adam Ali Miah is popular to all in the areas who is expected to win in the election. Noor hammad Faku was a Mayor earlier in Awami League is shaking hands and embracing with all.