Call to stand beside visually impaired people


Speakers at a participatory discussion unequivocally called for standing beside the visually impaired people to facilitate them to lead their normal life side by side with others.
They observed that the challenged people are subjected to repression and oppression by their surroundings since their boyhoods because of their disability.
Side by side with the government initiative, community support is crucial for improving their living and livelihood condition as they are an integral part of the society.
They were addressing the meeting to mark the World White Cane Safety Day- 2020 held on Thursday at the office conference hall of Deputy Commissioner (DC), Rajshahi.
The Department of Social Services (DSS) and District Administration jointly hosted the meeting with the call of ensuring legitimate rights to the visually impaired people for their welfare.
On the occasion, 30 visually impaired people were given smart white canes.
DC Abdul Jalil and its Additional Deputy Commissioner Shariful Haque addressed the meeting as chief and special guests respectively with DSS Deputy Director Hasina Momtaj in the chair.
Disability Affairs Officer Muhammad Shariatullah and General Secretary of National Blind Association Habibur Rahman also spoke.
The meeting was told that the World White Cane Safety Day on 15th October annually celebrates the achievements of people who are blind or visually impaired.
The day marks the importance of recognizing the white cane. The white cane is not only a tool. It also represents the independence of those who are blind worldwide.
This day has been set aside to celebrate all of the achievements of people who are blind or visually impaired, and the principal symbol of blindness and tool of independence, the white cane.
The discussants said instead of neglecting the physically challenged people, they should be built as an efficient workforce to make a prosperous Bangladesh.
Terming the physically-challenged people as an integral part of the society, Abdul Jalil observed that overall development of the nation is not possible, excluding the huge population.
He called for creating better scopes for education and vocational training to create more employment opportunities for the challenged people.
