Call to keep sufficient open places to save Dhaka


LGRD and Cooperatives Minister Engineer Khandker Mosharraf Hossain underscored the need for keeping sufficient open places including playgrounds, parks and recreation centres in the capital city Dhaka to keep the city as hygienic and environment-friendly one.
If necessary, agencies concerned should take legal actions in strong hand to save Dhaka city, he said.
The minister said this on Monday while addressing a meeting to review the Detailed Area Plan (DAP) of Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK) at the Local Government Division conference room at the secretariat here.
Housing and Public Works Minister Engineer Mosharraf Hossain, Environment and Forests Minister Anisul Islam Mahmud, Land Minister Shamsur Rahman Sherif, LGD Senior Secretary Dr Zafar Ahmed Khan and Housing and Public Works Secretary Md Shahid Ullah Khandker, among others, were present on the occasion.
The LGRD minister said industries and factories have been built
sporadically in different areas of DAP which is becoming a threat to
residents and atmosphere of the areas.
Strong steps should be taken against those industries and factories, he
Mosharraf said if the environment of Dhaka cannot be kept properly, it
will be disastrous in the days to come due to increase of population
The minister called upon the authorities concerned to protect the wetlands
as well as cultivable land through taking appropriate measures.
