Call to eliminate militancy, religious fanaticism

BSS, Dhaka :
Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Huq on Friday called for fighting another war like in 1971 to eliminate militancy and religious fanaticism.
He made the call speaking as chief guest at a discussion meeting marking the ’15th Liberation Festival’ organized by the Liberation War Museum at Dhaka University physical education ground in the city.
The minister urged the students to uphold the hard-earned national flag at any cost.
The country was liberated in exchange for the blood of 30 lakh people and the honor of 2 lakh mothers and sisters, he said, adding, “None would be able to foil this blood-marked independence,” he added.
Mozammel Huq said the fundamentalists do not want the girls to be educated and the country to be developed.
“Some fundamentalists want to turn Bangladesh into Pakistan. They are dreaming of Pakistan. There will be a fight with those who want to make the country Pakistan,” he added.
Sylhet Shahjalal Science and Technology University Prof. Dr. Zafar Iqbal and Liberation War Trustee Akku Chowdhury also spoke on the occasion, among others.
Zafar Iqbal said the Pakistani forces killed 30 lakh Bangalees in 1971 out of the total population of 7.5 crore. Moreover, many refugees had died in want of food and being infected with diseases.