Call to build up moral values

Prof KM Golam Mohiuddin, VC, International Islamic University Chattogram (IIUC) was present as Chief Guest at an orientation programme of the Autumn Semester 47th batch by IIUC Students' Affair Division at the conference room of IIUC in Kumira recently.
Prof KM Golam Mohiuddin, VC, International Islamic University Chattogram (IIUC) was present as Chief Guest at an orientation programme of the Autumn Semester 47th batch by IIUC Students' Affair Division at the conference room of IIUC in Kumira recently.
Chattogram Bureau :
Prof. KM Golam Mohiuddin, VC of International Islamic University, Chattogram said the main object of education is to build up moral values and morality among the students. He said IIUC is working to build up proper citizens with moral values and the students should contribute themselves for enlightened society.
The Vice chancellor disclosed it while addressing the orientation program of Autumn semester-2018 for fresher’s of 47th batch as arranged by Students Affairs Division of IIUC as chief guest. Vice chairman of Board of trustees Prof Dr.Kazi Din Mohammad graced the occasion as special guest duly presided by Treasurer Prof. Abdul Hamid chowdhury.
Dean of Engineering Faculty Prof Dr Delwar Hossain, Dean of Humanities Faculty Prof Md Humayun Kabir, Dean of Business faculty Prof. Dr. Mahbubur Rahman, Dean of Shariah Faculty Prof. r Shamsuddin Madani, Registrar of IIUC Col.Md. Kashem PSC, Acting Director of STudents Affairs Division Md. Mamunur Rashaid delivered address of welcome on the occasion. Additional Director of SAD Kabi Chowdhury Golam Mowla, and Additional Director of Staff development and Students Affairs Md. Mahfuzur Rahman conducted the program as moderators, a IIUC sources said.