Call to build terrorism, communalism free BD


Road Transport and Bridges Minister and Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader on Saturday called upon the new generation to build a terrorism, communalism, corruption and drug abuse free Bangladesh.
“Drug addiction, terrorism and communalism are key hazards for our national life. We have to say no to terrorism and drug abuse,” he told the inauguration ceremony of ‘Swarna Kishori National Convention’ at Sultana Kamal Women’s Sports Complex at Dhanmondi here.
The minister urged the students to avoid the tendency of becoming examinees instead of being true learners.
“You should build yourselves for life not for livelihoods. If you can do that you must become worthy citizens to bring progress and prosperity for the country,” Quader said.
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid, State Minister for Youth and Sports Dr Biren Sikder and Secondary and Higher Education Secretary Md Sohorab Hossain, among others, addressed the function.
