Enacting right to Food Act demanded: Call for ensuring sufficient food supply to flood-hit Haor people

Barisal Correspondent :
Right activists in Barisal on Saturday afternoon forming human chain called for ensuring sufficient food supply to the distressed people of Haor region.
They also called for united movement to enact right to Food Act as part of ensuring basic human rights.
The programme on the issue was organised by district unit of the Right to Food Bangladesh held in front of Ashwini Kumar Hall of the city. The programme was presided over by Anwar Zahid, District president of the committee for right to food Bangladesh.
It was conducted by Shuvangkar Chakroborty and participated by activists of Food Safety Network (Khaddo Nirapatta Network/ Khani) in Barisal.
The programme was addressed among others by Rabeya Khatun, Rehana Begum, Rahima Sultana Kajal, Jibon Krishna Dey, Salma Khan, Ranjit Datta, Nakib Abdus Salam, Jahanara Begum Swapna, right activists.
Speakers remembering promise of the government about ensuring food right of every one called for enacting and implementing food security act immediately.
Before starting of holy Ramadan they also called to ensure sufficient food supply in fair price and free from adulteration.
Under international law states are obliged to respect, protect and fulfill the right to food for the people, they told.
The right to food protects the right of all human beings to be free from hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition, especially in the natural calamity affected region of the Haor area.
Bangladesh now achieved food sufficiency and engaged in achieving sustainable development goal and demolishing hunger from the country.
In such a condition the distressed people of Haor region have right to get sufficient food supply in fair price, the speakers said.
The speakers also opined that right to food is a basic human right protecting the right for people to feed themselves in dignity, implying that sufficient food is available, that people have the means to access it, and that it adequately meets the individual’s dietary needs, they said .
So they calling for united movement to enact and implement right to food act not only for solving the food crisis, but also to end misdistributions and inadequate access to food, the participants told.