Cable TV Viewers’ Forum, Rajshahi new body formed

A Correspondent :
 A committee of of Cable TV Viewers’ Forum, Rajshahi City Committee formed at a meeting at Nikkan Auditorium on Monday.
Sahadat Hossain Munna, Secretary General of Bangladesh Cable TV Viewers’ Forum presided over the meeting, says a press release.
Renowned social activist Oyaliur Rahman Bab, and journalist Sharif Suman were selected as President and Convener of 19 members committee. Cultural personality Hasib Pannan was selected Senior Vice- President. Afzal Hossain was named as Vice- President.
Other members of the committee are-Monjurul Rahamn Mithu (Joint Secretary General ), Rafiqual Islam Rafik(Organising Secretary), Mustafizur Rahman(Treasurer), Giyasi Sultana(Office Secretary), Tarik Haider Mithu, (Press and Publicity Secretary) Adv Toufik Ahsan Titu (Law Secretary) Adv Abul Kalam Azad( Sports and Cultural Secretary) Ayesha Siddiki(Woamn and Child Affair Secreraty).