CAAB issues circular on quarantine instructions

UNB, Dhaka :
The Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) on Saturday issued a circular on the quarantine instructions for passengers of flights operating under special consideration.
The order will remain in force until 12pm on April 28.
All incoming or outgoing passengers shall mandatorily possess PCR based Covid-19 negative certificate. The PCR test shall be done within 72 hours of the flight departure time, according to the circular.
Arriving passengers who have received two doses of Covid-19 vaccine and possess PCR based Covid-19 negative certificate along with the proof of vaccination shall have to complete a 14-day home quarantine. The local administration will ensure their home quarantine.
Arriving passengers carrying PCR based Covid-19 negative certificate and who either received 1st dose of vaccine or not yet vaccinated shall have to complete a mandatory three-day institutional quarantine at government nominated facilities or at hotels on passengers’ own expenses.
Upon completion of 3-day institutional quarantine, sample will be collected for Covid-19 PCR test.
The passengers will be released to complete a total of 11 days of home quarantine if the PCR based Covid-19 test result is negative.
The local administration will ensure their home quarantine.
In case of positive result of PCR based Covid-19 test, the passenger shall have to go for isolation at government nominated facilities at own expenses, it added.
The airlines concerned shall issue boarding passes to passengers only after getting confirmation of their vaccination status.
Airlines must ensure that seats are available for the passengers at the government institutional quarantine facilities or the passengers have proof of hotel reservation for institutional quarantine.
If seats are not available at the government institutional quarantine facilities, the passenger will board flight only after ensuring hotel reservation.
