BWP forms flood relief committee


Bangladesher Workers Party (BWP) has constituted a three-member relief committee to distribute relief materials among the flood-affected areas across the country, said a press release on Friday.
The relief committee was formed in the standing committee meeting of the BWP, a partner of Awami League-led 14-party alliance, with Comrade Rashed Khan Menon, also the civil aviation and tourism minister, in the chair.
BWP General Secretary Comrade Fazle Hossain Badsha, Comrade Anisur Rahman Mollik, Comrade Nurul Hasan, Comrade Noor Ahmed Bakul and Comrade Quamrul Ahsan, were also present.
Expressing grave concern over the prevailing flood situation in some areas of the country, the meeting urged all irrespective party affiliations to stand beside the flood-affected people.
