BWDB embarks on planting 40,000 saplings in Rajshahi


Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) has embarked on a plan to plant around 40,000 saplings of different species of trees in all eight districts of Rajshahi division in the current season.
BWDB has set the plantation target of forest, fruit and herbal trees to mark the 45th martyrdom anniversary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the National Mourning Day- 2020.
This was revealed in an opening programme of the tree plantation held on Saturday at Rajshahi City Protection embankment.
Senior Secretary to the Water Resource Ministry Kabir Bin Anwar accompanied by representatives of other concerned inaugurated the programme through planting a tree sapling at city’s Shreerampur area
“We will also develop recreational parks alongside the river bank for enhancing its beauty and sustainability ,” said Kabir Anwar while talking to the journalists.
He added that t-groins are being built at different areas to protect the city protection embankment.
Kabir Anwar said massive tree plantation can help reduce carbon emissions substantially, and that is very important to protect the ecological balance in the arid region.
He said all quarters should take the responsibility of protecting the environment from the adverse impacts of climate change.
‘As part of the adaptation measures, massive plantation of trees could play an important role in coping with the adverse impact of global climate change’, he added.
