Commentary: Business community spoiled politics: Don’t tarnish judiciary


News report in a national daily on Thursday said leaders of country’s business community would go to the High Court this week seeking a remedy from the ongoing violence pointing out that it is severely affecting business and causing huge financial loss to them on daily basis. Leaders of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) are scheduled to file the writ as the news report said quoting a leader that they will not challenge the blockade and hartal of the opposition, they would only seek court order to stop violence to run business and move merchandise in roads and highways.
We know that business is profoundly bleeding, exports are failing shipment schedule and imports are failing to reach inland destinations. Total loss to the economy as of early last week stood at Tk 1.20 lakh crore as quoted by the President of the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) while briefing foreign envoys in the capital.
But one thing we can’t understand is why the business community is not addressing the core issue taking it direct to the government and asking it to remove the cause of the trouble by announcing a new election. Any sensible person understands what is the cause and what is the devastating affect it is now having on the nation. Only it seems that the business community is bypassing the issue apparently to leave the government free from pressure while trying to ask for court order to stop violence and thus bringing pressure on the opposition to stop the blockade and hartals.
We wonder why they are failing to understand that the court cannot be expected to stop violence of others when the government is accused of extra-judicial killing and pursuing a shoot at sight policy. The crisis has been politically created by a few and must be dealt with politically.
Most business leaders are also partisan political leaders and reaped unexpected high benefits from the present government as well as from earlier governments without caring for the rule of democracy. They did not care about the long term effects of crony capitalism. They became politicians for advancing their business interests and thus lost their character and special position as economic force.
Even BGMEA alone has over 30 MPs and some of them are Cabinet ministers. Instead of asking relief for the life of the common people who are the worst sufferers, they are asking loan exemptions and financial relief for themselves. The people have no sympathy for the opportunist businessmen cum politicians. Our smart businessmen cum politicians should have the foresight to know that intolerant policies and an unelected government must end in violence.
Unless they have been completely blinded they should know that the judiciary is not for solving political problems.
And those who are ready to risk lives and practice violence they are not going to listen to others. The country is heading towards a terrible situation of blood shed and anarchy.
We appeal to the sensible and genuine businessmen please do not play political gamble with the judiciary and do what is best for the country. Your business cannot remain safe when people are not safe. Be sensible for saving business and the country both. The country must have a government elected by the people. It is not Begum Khaleda Zia’s party cause, it is the national cause.
