Burimari trading closed for 10 days


bdnews24.com :
Import and export through the Burimari land port will remain suspended for 10 days because of the Durga Puja and Eid-ul-Azha festivals.
The holidays had begun from Wednesday, port immigration police ASI Yakub Ali said, but added that the movement of travellers would not be unhampered.
Port Clearing and Forwarding Association chief Ruhul Amin Babul said India had state holidays for Durga Puja from Oct 1 to 4.
Again, from Oct 5 to 10, Bangladesh has public holidays for Eid-ul-Azha.
“Trading will resume from October 11,” he said.
Port Customs Assistant Commissioner Matiar Rahman said the collection of travel tax and movement of passport-holding travellers were was normal on the first day of the vacation.
