Bumper wheat yield likely in Rajshahi

RAJSHAHI: Tender wheat field at Nandangachhi Village of Charghat Upazila predicts bumper production of the crop this season.
RAJSHAHI: Tender wheat field at Nandangachhi Village of Charghat Upazila predicts bumper production of the crop this season.
BSS, Rajshahi :
Farmers and field level agricultural extension officials and researchers concerned are hoping for a satisfactory wheat yield in the region including its vast Barind tract as they are now very much happy over the present farming condition.
Talking to BSS separately they mentioned that the prevailing suitable climatic condition has made them inspired and hopeful about the upcoming wheat harvesting. Everywhere in the wheat-growing areas the farmers are now seen busy in nursing and caring the farming fields.
Abu Kalam, a farmer of Nandangachhi village under Charghat Upazila, said he’s very much optimistic about the coming wheat yield. He said the present weather coupled with topographic condition is supportive for the cash crop.
Taking advantage of the natural privileges the farmers brought more lands under cultivation of the cereal crop as well as staple food. Mozammel Haque, another farmer of Panchandar village under Tanore Upazila, is now happy over witnessing the wheat growing field. He attributed that timely sowing of seeds accompanied by the cold spell, has been considered as a positive sign for attaining a bumper production of the cash crop.
Meanwhile, Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) has set the target of producing around 5.19 lakh tonnes of wheat from around 1.46 lakh hectares of land during the current season in all eight districts under Rajshahi division.
The DAE has disbursed seeds and fertilizers worth around Taka 3.38 crore free of cost among 17,000 poor and marginal farmers for wheat farming under the government’s agricultural incentive programme in the division, said Deb Dulal Dhali, Additional Director of DAE. Various other government and non-government entities have adopted diversified steps to make farming a total success in the region as it’s suitable for the crop for its water-saving and drought tolerant features.
Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA), an ever-largest irrigation providing state-run organization in the country’s northwest region, has adopted an all-out measures to make the wheat farming a total success. Rajshahi Regional Office of Bangladesh Wheat and Maize Research Institute (BWMRI) developed 320 demonstration plots on farmers’ fields.
320 farmers were given 5.5 tonnes of breeder seeds and 8.5 tonnes of truthfully labelled seeds of some high yielding, heat and drought tolerant and blast disease resistant varieties like BARI Gom 28, 29, 30 and 33 along with recommended fertilizers for the projection plots free of cost.
The farmers including 69 field-level DAE officials were imparted training on how will produce wheat properly using the modern seeds and technologies.
Dr Ilias Hossain, Principal Scientific Officer of BWMRI, told BSS that the BARI gom 33 is the ever latest variety which is blast disease resistant, zinc-enriched, large grain size and high yielding (20 maunds per bigha).
Farm to enrich pure carp fish line stock
Rajshahi Fish Seed Multiplication Farm has taken an initiative of enriching its brood stocks of three major carps- silver, bighead and grass- aims at boosting fish production though supplying the pure line breeds among the farmers.
The initiative is intended to reduce the mortality of fingerlings in farming ponds. Besides, it will contribute to mitigate the existing problems caused by the fish inbreeding alpractices.
To attain the cherished goal, the farm authority released 441 fingerlings of the pure breed lines weighting 22.5 kilograms in its experimental pond here Friday afternoon. Earlier on, the exotic fingerlings were procured from Fish Seed Multiplication Farm in Tongi, Gazipur.
Divisional Deputy Director of the Department of Fisheries Tofazuddin Ahmed, Manager of the Fish Seed Multiplication Farm Dr Jinnat Ara Rokeya Chowdhury and Additional Registrar of Rajshahi University Dr Saad Ahmed were present on the occasion.
Talking to BSS, Dr Rokeya Chowdhury gave an overview of the brood bank initiative, adding the fingerlings will be reared with special care and nurture in mix culture method. After around two years of nursing the fingerlings will be turned into healthy brood for induced breeding.
She mentioned that the inbreeding malpractice has become the major obstacle towards boosting fish production. There is no alternative to mitigate the adverse situation through boosting the production of pure line of brood and subsequently supplying those to the farmers.
Sharing his expertise on the issue Tofazuddin Ahmed defined that inbreeding is the mating of relatives, or the mating of fish more closely related than the population average which is detrimental to normal growth of the culture fish and maintaining the species-wise characteristics.
He said the government has taken initiative of boosting production of pure broods of the three fish lines through the country’s eight fish seed multiplication farms at present in order to protect the species-wise quality of fish.
Ahmed said the Rajshahi seed multiplication farm has been playing a vital role towards boosting fish production through supplying quality spawns among farmers in the region.
After getting healthy spawn many farmers have attained success in fish production field side by side with making the region self-reliant in fish production.
Fish farming is making many people financially solvent along with boosting their social dignity and contributing to meeting the demand for animal protein of the region besides different other parts of the country.
The region has also attained significant success in fish spawn and fish fingerling production which are also surplus than the existing demand. In last 2014-15 financial year, fish production was around 3.98 lakh tonnes whereas the production was stood to 4.76 lakh tonnes in 2018-19 fiscal.
He said the region has also attained the success of 71,443 tonnes of surplus fish production in comparison to the existing demands. The farmers have harvested 4.76 lakh tonnes of fish from 4.03 lakh hectares of different categories of water-bodies in last fiscal against the demand of 4.04 lakh tonnes of around 1.92 crore people in the division.
Ahmed added that the success has been attained due to the adoption of multidimensional development and extension programs including promotion of modern technologies in both farming and seed production. There are around 1.60 lakh fish farmer, 1.40 lakh fishermen and 6,712 fingerling traders in the division at present.
