Bumper wheat output expected in Narsingdi


M.A. Awal, Narsingdi :
A record wheat production is expected in the northern region during this Rabi season as the tender plants are growing excellent and the enthusiastic farmers already exceeded its fixed farming target, official sources said.
Farmers and Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) officials have attributed the achievement to congenial weather condition, timely supply of agri-inputs and efforts by the department.
According to DAE of Narsingdi sources, a total of 545 hectares of land were brought under wheat cultivation this year in Narsingdi district with a production target of 1635 metric tonnes and the farmers are happy with the yield they have attained.
Of the total some 60 hectares in Narsingdi Sadar upazila, 80 hectares in Balabo upazila, 75 hectares in Monohardi upazila, 95 hectares in Shabipur upazila, 105 hectares in Polash and 130 hectares in Raipura upazila.
At present wheat is being sold between Tk 830 to Tk 860 per maund at different locals markets of the region while the government has fixed its procurement price at Tk 26 per kg. Disgruntled over the price fall of Aman and Irri-boro paddy during last few years many farmers of the region opted for wheat cultivation this season.
Abdur Salam, at Adiabad village under Raipura upazila told The New Nation he cultivated wheat on one acre of land instead of Boro paddy this season and harvested 40 maunds of wheat and sold it at Tk 860 per maund.
Abul Kalam Azad, another wheat grower at Bhoratar kandi area under Shabipur upazila, cultivation of wheat needs only three times irrigation and it is less costly than paddy cultivation.
Production cost of wheat on 1 bigha of land is Tk 4,500 to Tk 5,000 whereas it needs about Tk 8500 to Tk 9000 to cultivate Boro paddy on 1 bigha of land, he added.
A good number of wheat growers of the region told the New Nation that wheat cultivation needs low cost and brings better return while they are unable to recover the production cost of the paddy in recent years, they added.
Deputy Director of DAE of Mokshad Ali said that smooth supply of water and agri-inputs such as fertilisers and pesticides boosted wheat cultivation in the region.
