Bumper garlic production expected in Gafargaon


Gafargaon (Mymensingh) Correspondent :
Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) and farmers are expecting bumper garlic production in Gafargaon Upazila under Mymensingh district during the current season.
DAE office sources said ,farmers cultivated garlic on 10,000 hectares of land exceeding the official target of cultivating on 8000 hectares with the production target of over 50000 hazar tonnes.
The marginal farmers and concerned officials of DAE are expecting a satisfactory price and production of garlic in this upazila in the current season and DAE has provided fertilizers and arranged a brief training for the farmers, a DAE official said.
Suruj Ali ,a farmer of Baluakanda village under Gafargaon Upazila has cultivated garlic on 10 bighas of land. Gatlic plants are developing well due to favourable climatic condition , he said hoping that there would be bumper garlic production this year in char area.
Gafargaon upazila Agriculture field supervizer Golam Mosofa said, there might be bumper production of garlic this season if climate remains favourable. He also said that garlic production will change the lot of the people of char area.
Necessary steps have been taken to ensure supply of adequate quality of improved quality seeds ,fertilizers, insecticides and other agricultural inputs among the growers to boost the production of garlic,he said.
During this Rabi season ,the farmers of the remote char area cultivated other crops also. They also are expecting bumper production of these crops. As a result, the people of this char area will change the wheel of their fortune growing bumper production. Besides this the people of char area of Hossainpur Upazila under Kishoregonj cultivated garlic in a huge amount of lands.
They are also expecting a bumper garlic production in their lands.
