BTRC launches Voicemail Service

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) on Monday introduced a new mobile phone service – ‘Voicemail Service’ – in the country allowing cell-phone users to send voice mail to each other.
Prime Minister’s ICT adviser Sajeeb Wazed Joy officially inaugurated the service at 11 am by sending a voice mail to the Chairman the BTRC from Ganabhaban.
Joy congratulated the BTRC Chairman and expressed his gratitude in the voicemail. In a voicemail sent to the BTRC Chairman, Posts and Telecommunications Minister Tarana Halim said the country’s people will be benefited through the service. After introducing the voice mail service, BTRC Chairman Dr Shahjahan Mahmood at a press conference said that now mobile phone users will be able send voicemail to others at low cost if they fail to reach their expected users.