bti achieves AA1 credit rating


Business Report :
Leading real estate company Building Technology & Ideas (bti) Ltd has recently received AA1 credit rating from the Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh (CRAB).
The AA1 credit rating certifies that the company has superior ability to meet its financial obligations and project needs on time, the realtor said in a statement.
Up to May 2022, the company has handed over 390 projects in Dhaka and Chattogram.
“Currently, the company has 56 ongoing projects and 38 upcoming projects, which resonates a satisfactory financial stance, great reputation, very low risk of defaulting, and good business growth,” the company said.
Credit scores are given by accredited institutions to rank companies based on their financial strengths in a particular industry. It is a measure of how financially competent a company is to deliver its commitments on time. The ratings begin from D and ascend to A score.
A company with a rank in the D rating is termed to be at default, meaning it has defaulted on its loans from partner banks and financial institutions.
The rank progresses towards C and B ratings. The higher the rating, the more risk-free that company is, and the safer it is for investors to trust that company.
