Britain’s PM, Wall Street banks meet to discuss Brexit


AFP, New York :
British Prime Minister Theresa May met Monday with Wall Street finance leaders to discuss the consequences of the Brexit vote, according to two people familiar with the matter said.
May, who is in New York for the United Nations General Assembly, saw officials from Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and other banks, according to two sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
The group included Morgan Stanley president Colm Kelleher, said one source. Other companies with big British investments who participated in the meeting in New York included Amazon, IBM and BlackRock, said a source.
The gathering came as British officials debate how hard to push for access to the European Union market in negotiations following the June vote to exit the bloc.
London and Brussels are expected to conduct lengthy talks after May triggers the EU treaty’s Article 50, which sets out how members can leave the union.
The five largest US banks, which employ some 40,000 people in London, are already talking with European regulators about procedures for obtaining banking licenses and meeting capital requirements in EU countries for a post-Brexit Europe.
