BRACU celebrates 20th anniversary


Campus Life :
BRAC University organised an online event titled “20 YEARS OF MAKING AN IMPACT” celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the university on Saturday, 18 December, 2021. The event was broadcasted live on the university’s official Facebook page.
The online event started with a Video remembering the founder Sir Fazle Hasan Abed KCMG. A video highlighting BRAC University’s glorious journey of 20 years was also screened. The event included speeches from Ms. Tamara Hasan Abed, Chairperson, Board of Trustees, BRAC University, Professor Vincent Chang, Vice-Chancellor, BRAC University and Professor Samia Huq PhD, Dean, School of General Education. Dr. Riaz Khan, Former Project Head and Member, Governing Body and Academic Council, BRAC University also shared a special video message in the event. Alumni and current students of BRAC University also shared their messages.
Ms. Tamara Hasan Abed, Chairperson, Board of Trustees, BRAC University shared Sir Fazle’s views on how education should be. “When I look back to the journey of BRAC University, one of the first things that come to my mind is the enormous passion our founder Sir Fazle carried while founding this institution,” she said. Twenty years later, the university is getting more and more connected internationally, collaborating with institution from across the globe and experiencing a growing international student community here. The university is also focusing on student centric, modern teaching-learning experience and research with impact, she added.
In his speech, Vice-Chancellor, Professor Vincent Chang mentioned that twenty years ago Sir Fazle founded this university to nurture leaders and talents for the country. Now the university has an ambitious aim to become a global university from Bangladesh.This journey is not very easy and not so quick, but the university can achieve it by in next twenty years, said Professor Chang.
Professor Samia Huq PhD, Dean, School of General Education termed 20th Anniversary celebration of BRAC University as a milestone. Over the years, the university has emerged as a top institution in the country. Now it is looking forward to reinvent itself for the next level and continue the good work, she added.
Dr. Riaz Khan, Former Project Head and Member, Governing Body and Academic Council, BRAC University shared that when Sir Fazle came up with the idea of establishing a university; they talked to the students and the parents. It was appearent that students and the parents were very positive about the idea of BRAC University. This gave more confidence for establishing BRAC University, he mentioned.
BRAC University students and alumni performed a Rabindra Shongeet: ‘Akash amay bhorlo aaloy’ and a Nazrul Shongeet: ‘Eki oporup rupe ma tomaye’. The event also included a segment on alumni showcasing titled “Pride of BRAC University”. A video of its new campus in the making was also screened.
