Blast near HSIA: Bomb was `strapped` to suspect: Autopsy

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The suspect in Friday’s blast near the Dhaka airport had a bomb strapped to his body, say medical examiners conducting the autopsy.
The explosion, which occurred around 7am in front of the police box at the entrance to the Shahjalal International Airport, had resulted in the death of the suspected suicide bomber.
Though Islamic State claimed the incident as a ‘suicide attack’, DMP Police Commissioner Asaduzzaman Miah denied it and said the man was just carrying the bomb when it exploded.
The autopsy on the suspect’s body was conducted at the Dhaka Medical College morgue on Saturday,
“We found wires tied to the deceased’s arm and waist,” said Dhaka Medical College Forensic Division Chief Sohel Mahmud. “We think the bomb was strapped to his body.”
The explosion cracked the unidentified suspect’s spine and tore apart the lower part of his body, said the doctor.
Samples of his teeth, hair and viscera have been collected for identification. Blood and urine samples have also been taken, said Sohel Mahmud.
“We wish to discern whether the deceased was under the influence of drugs,” the doctor said when asked about blood and urine samples.