Body recovered in Baraigram


Our Correspondent, Baraigram :
Dead body of an old man named Abdus Samad (72) was recovered from a jute field near his house on Thursday afternoon. Abdus Samad was a son of late Osman Gani of the village Bonpara Sarderpara under Baraigram upazila.
Locals said, Abdus Samad was a poor man and patient of different diseases. He has a tea stall near of his house. He did not open his stall on Wednesday afternoon. From that time,he was missing. Relatives searched him in different places. But they did not get him. Suddenly, on Thursday afternoon, a farmer saw a dead body in a jute field. The dead body is later identified as Abdus Samad. Then, the ill news runs fast in the area. Hundreds of the people came to see the dead body. Poisonous materials are found near the dead body. Hence, some people opined, he has committed suicide by taking poison due to illness. On an information, Additional Police Super (ASP) Khairul Alam and Baraigram Thana Officer in Charge (OC) Md Anwarul Islam rushed to the spot and recovered his dead body from the jute field. Also, they sent the dead body for autopsy to Natore Hospital morgue. OC Md Anwarul Islam said, necessary steps will be taken after getting post mortem report from hospital.
