Body of missing schoolboy found in Gazipur

UNB, Gazipur :
Police recovered the decomposed body of a schoolboy from a septic tank of a house in the city on Friday, seven days after he allegedly went missing. The deceased was identified as Atikur Rahman, a class VIII student of Kaultia Jahir Uddin High School in the city.
The victim’s family members claimed Atikur went out of the house on December 9 last towards a brick kiln, named ‘ Dewan Bricks’, in Biprobortha area of the city and did not return home.
Later, the family members filed a general diary with Joydebpur Police Station
Sub-inspector Rajib of the police station said locals sensed a foul smell around the septic tank of the house of one Siraj Miah in Biprobortha area on Friday morning and informed police.
Later, the law enforcers recovered the body of Atikur from the tank and sent it to Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical College Hospital morgue. Meanwhile, police arrested four people-truck driver Abdul Alim, and three truck workers Khorshed, Shahinur and Shafikur-from the area in the afternoon in this connection.
During primary interrogation, arrested Shahinur admitted that Atikur died on December 9 after he was hit by their truck on the way to Dhaka. Later, the workers handed over the body to the brick kiln owner, the SI added quoting Shahinur.