Boalkhali OC lodges GD against journo

Chattogram Bureau :
Officer- In- Charge of Boalkhali thana in Chattogram has lodged a General Diary in his police station against the Editor of Ekushey Newspaper Azad Talukder on September 25 .
 OC of Boalkhali thana Sairul Islam confirmed the matter of lodging GD .
 Following the news related to OC Sairul Islam that published on September 23 last about use of personal car instead of official transport. Besides, since his joining as OC at Boalkhali thana , Sairul Islam installed a air conditioner in his room .
 Being agitated over the news that published in that newspaper, OC lodged a diary against the Editor, sources said.
Chattogram Press club, Federal Union of Journalists, Chattogram Unit, Chattogram Journalist Union jointly condemned lodging of GD against reputed journalist of the port city.