BNP’s demand ‘irrelevant: Quader


The BNP has been making ‘irrelevant demands’ to the government only to boost the morale of its activists, said Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader.
“It’s impossible to meet their demands,” the road transport minister said as he spoke to reporters during an election campaign in Gulshan on Monday. The BNP declared a programme in all divisional cities after it announced a seven-point list of demands, calling for the election to be conducted under a non-partisan government, during a public meeting on Sunday.
The demands also included the release of BNP chief Khaleda Zia before the election schedule is announced, the withdrawal of cases against Tarique Rahman and other leaders and activists, dissolving parliament, the resignation of the current government, army deployment with magistracy power and restrictions on electronic voting. The BNP’s demands are ‘illogical, ‘unreal,’ and, in some cases, ‘unconstitutional,’ according to Quader. “Only a month is left to the schedule. No-one can meet such unconstitutional demands-not even the BNP if they were in power.” “I urge the people to be vigilant against any violence, sabotage or negative activities by communal forces. I call upon our activists to unite and prepare for the coming election,” said Quader.
“We don’t support violence and will protest alongside the people if BNP and communal forces opt for violence.” Quader said the people and law-enforcement agencies will handle the situation, when asked about the BNP’s threat to occupy the streets. “The campaign should not be for any particular candidate but for the party. The campaign has started today and will be held in all metropolitan areas, districts and unions.” Quader urged people to vote for Sheikh Hasina, praising her as a “role model for development”.
