BNP wants UN intervention

block :Sponsors of a violent nationwide transport blockade that has cost Bangladesh more than sixty lives so far, the BNP is now asking for UN intervention to break the political stalemate in Bangladesh.BNP leader and the country’s former planning minister Moeen Khan told ‘Times of India’ in an email interview that the UN ‘being a neutral and multilateral entity would be welcome to faciilitate’ a dialogue between the BNP and the Awami League now locked in a bitter standoff.This comes on a day Awami League’s senior minister Tofail Ahmed ruled out a dialogue with the ‘murderous’ BNP. Moeen Khan said 10000 BNP activists are in jail on false charges including many senior party leaders. “There is no democratic atmosphere for a dialogue.”Khan said, Bangladesh’s critical geopolitical setting as a link between South and South-east Asia and China makes the crisis in the country ‘ a matter of sufficient concern’ to all big players in the region as well as in Europe and North America. “It would certainly be in the best interests of the international community to see a quick solution to the present standoff in Bangladesh,” Khan said in the email interview.Khan pointed to the Awami League when he said : ” In a democratic process , the only mechanism to solve a crisis is to negotiate and talk. If dialogue fails, the next option is further dialogue.”
