BNP to rise like phoenix: Fakhrul

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Friday said their party will rise like a phoenix through its 6th national council to restore people’s ‘voting and democratic rights’.
Speaking at a memorial meeting, he also accused the government of establishing a ‘reign of terror’ in the country by creating an appalling situation through suppressing its dissents.
Kafrul thana unit BNP arranged the programme at Kafrul Halim Foundation Model School in memory of
its ex-convener Ali Asagr Matabbar who died of cardiac arrest on February 16. “Our leaders and activists are being killed, made disappeared and tortured. Even after that our party men are not getting disappointed. Instead, they’re-organising with fresh vigour and courage,” Fakhrul told his audience.
He further said, “BNP will again rise like phoenix through our upcoming council. We’ll surely be able to restore our voting and democratic rights, and form a pro-people government.” The BNP leader alleged that the government has stanched people’s all rights to fulfil its dream of restoring one-party rule.
He said the current regime snatched people’s voting rights in all the elections, including city, upazila and municipal ones, after the January-5 ‘farcical’ polls. “They’re now again planning to rig vote in the Union Parishad polls.”
Criticising the government for what he said its continued repressive acts, the BNP leader said it is filing false cases against not only leaders and activists of BNP and 20-party alliance, but also those who are raising voice against it.
Describing the government as fascist, he called upon all to get united to save the country and its people from it. “There’s no scope for division among people as the country is in crisis. Not only BNP, but also the entire country is in danger. So, we’ve to face it together with courage.”