16th Amendment: BNP slates MPs for criticising SC verdict


Taking a swipe at MPs for criticising the apex court verdict that upheld the High Court judgment declaring the 16th Amendment illegal, BNP on Monday reminded the ruling party leaders that it is their party which had scrapped parliament’s power to remove judges to give it to Bangabandhu through the 4th constitutional amendment.
“They (AL MPs) have launched a tirade in parliament against the apex court after it annulled the 16th
amendment. They now talk about parliament’s supremacy. Can’t you remember it is your party which had empowered President (in 1975) to sack judges cutting parliament’s such power?” said BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir.
He further said, “Did you forget that you’ve stanched people’s all rights, press freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of association through the fourth amendment.”
Fakhrul came up with the remarks while inaugurating Dhaka city north unit BNP’s member collection campaign-2017 at Nayapaltan Bhasani Auditorium.
On Sunday, the members of both the treasury and opposition benches on harshly criticized the Supreme Court (SC) verdict that upheld the High Court scrapping parliament’s authority to remove apex court judges.
They also came down heavily on amicus curiae, including Dr Kamal Hossain and Barrister M Amir-ul Islam, appointed by the apex court, for placing ‘untrue statements’ before the court over the issue. Fakhrul said Awami League leaders now deliver ‘sermons’ on democracy though it had deceived people by annihilating democracy in 1975. “This party often talks about the constitution, but it has destroyed the 1972 charter thorough various amendments.”
He said the ruling party had established one-party Baksal rule shutting down all newspapers, banning all the political parties and obliterating democracy. “Those of us witnessed that incidents couldn’t but laugh when this party leaders talk about democracy.”
About a case filed against him on charge of defaming Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the BNP leader said a leader of an associate body of Awami League, not the PM, filed case. “As per rules, the case was supposed to be filed by the person who was defamed. Otherwise, the case can’t be accepted. But the trial of the case has begun as they are using the law in their own style.”
Fakhrul alleged that Awami League had brought the 16th amendment to the constitution to keep the judiciary under its pressure. At another programme, BNP standing committee member Mirza Abbas said the ruling party leaders are making unguarded remarks about the Supreme Court in parliament as their evil design has been foiled through the court verdict.
Hailing the apex court for declaring the 16th amendment illegal, Abbas said it will help the Supreme Court work independently.
Abbas made the remarks at his Shahjahanpur residence while inaugurating BNP’s member collection campaign-2017 at Dhaka 8 and 9 constituencies.
He urged the Supreme Court judges to take steps to remove the government’s influence on the lower court.
