BNP rallies foiled as 144 imposed in Cumilla

UNB, Cumilla :
The BNP was forced to call off two of its scheduled election rallies in Homna Upazila’s Ramkrishnapur and Bagher Bazar on Tuesday after the local administration imposed a ban on gathering.
“The Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) imposed section 144 at the last moment, saying that the local Awami League unit also wants to hold rallies at the same venues,” said Dr Khandakar Mosharraf Hossain, the BNP candidate for Cumilla-1 and Cumilla-2 constituencies.
He said they had secured permission for the rallies beforehand.
Mosharraf accused Homna’s assistant returning officer of violating the electoral code of conduct and working for the ruling Awami League.
Meanwhile, the BNP candidate attended several other election rallies at Ghagutia, Dulalpur,Dorirchar, Madhabpur areas and sought vote for his party.
“The government is very frustrated seeing the huge popular support for BNP,” he said.