‘BNP lost credibility internationally’


Awami League Publicity and Publication Secretary Dr Hasan Mahmud said Khaleda Zia’s Sunday’s meeting with Indian Premier Narendra Modi would not bring about anything for BNP as the party had already lost its credibility to the international community.
“BNP has turned into a betrayer’s party for international community. Whatever you have approached for it would not bring about any result,” he said this on Monday while speaking at a discussion in the city.
Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jot organized the discussion titled “Why BNP becomes pro-Indian” at Shilpakala Academy.
Mahmud said the BNP’s politics has become directionless. “They lost their direction and are confused about from where they should start and which way they should go,” he said.
He said the BNP leaders now started to make remarks that BNP and Khaleda Zia are no more effective for Bangladesh politics. “Because Begum Khaleda Zia has failed to lead BNP,” he said.
“The conversations of BNP leaders are being leaked in YouTube. They are observing that BNP would not be able to go to the power even after the elections in 2019,” he said.
He urged the countrymen to be vigilant against those politicians who kill people by burning them alive.
