BNP dismisses PM’s graft allegation against Zia family

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Thursday described Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s statement in parliament about siphoning off money abroad by the Zia family and party senior leaders as ‘false, baseless and politically motivated one’.
“The Prime Minister told parliament that investigations are on into the allegation of laundering money by the Zia family members and BNP senior leaders. Her comment is totally false, baseless, fabricated, ridiculous and defamatory. We think she’s made the remark with a heinous political motive. We strongly protest and condemn it,” said BNP
secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir.
Speaking at a press conference at the party’s Nayapaltan central office, he also alleged that the Prime Minister and the ministers are spreading lies to hush up the government’s failure to tackle Rohingya crisis by misleading people. “They’re out to divert people’s attention to a different direction from burning issues and create a new issue.”
The BNP secretary general said, the Prime Minister is resorting to ‘lies’ also to hide her government’s failure to establish good governance, face post-flood situation, repair rundown roads, reduce rice price and strengthen economy. “We would like to say people will one day come up with a befitting reply to such falsehood.”
Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday told parliament that the government is investigating the alleged money-laundering by the members of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia’s family, saying that appropriate actions will be taken against them accordingly.
“After investigation, we’ll surely take steps to bring the money back based on the information that where and how it went out from the country,” she said while replying to a supplementary question of Jatiya Party MP Fakhrul Imam during PM’s question-answer session in parliament.