No snap polls: BNP demands fresh election


UNB, Dhaka :Terming ‘unsystematic, unusual and unfair’ the January-5 election, BNP spokesman Asaduzzaman Ripon on Sunday said their party demands a fresh election, not a mid-term one.”Many people are talking about mid-term polls, but our party doesn’t consider it a snap election. A government, which is elected systematically with people’s vote, arranges such an election either to test its popularity or it is forced to do it due to internal pressure for its failure, big scandal or deviation from principles,” he said.Addressing a press briefing at the party’s Nayapaltan central office, the BNP leader further said, “The January-5 election was not normal and systematic, free and fair as people could not exercise their franchise. So, there’s no question of any mid-term polls and we demand a fresh election.”He said, BNP wants a fresh election under a non-party administration so that people can cast their votes in a congenial atmosphere without any fear.Referring to Awami League general secretary Syed Ashraful Islam’s comment that BNP will go out of its existence if it boycotts the next polls, Ripon said they have repeatedly been saying that the next election will be held under a non-party administration and they will join it.Talking to reporters after placing wreaths at the grave of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Tungipara, Gopalganj, Syed Ashraful Islam on Saturday ruled out the possibility of any snap polls and said the next election will be held in the stipulated time under Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.He also observed that there will be no existence of BNP if it skips the next polls.Reacting to Ashraf’s remarks, Ripon said, “Politics is like a dream and the political parties are means to materialise it. Crores of people’s party, BNP will remain always awake for implementing the dreams of its founder Ziaur Rahman. There’s no reason for destruction or abolishment of BNP.”He also said BNP will not only exist but also return to power with people’s support. “This regime will surely be forced to restore the polls-time neutral government system.”The BNP spokesman also said it is not the right observation that BNP made a mistake or suffered a big loss through boycotting the January-5 polls. “So’ it’s also not a right notion that BNP won’t exist if it doesn’t go to the next polls.” Ripon said Syed Ashraf’s remark that Awami League did not boycott any polls was not true. “Awami League had boycotted 1988 polls under Ershad, 1996 (15 February) one and polls schedule for January 22 in 2007.”
