BNP confusing people with baseless ideas: Tajul

Local Government Minister Md Tajul Islam speaks as the chief guest at the inaugural function of National Sanitation Month at Public Health Engineering Department in the capital on Sunday.
Local Government Minister Md Tajul Islam speaks as the chief guest at the inaugural function of National Sanitation Month at Public Health Engineering Department in the capital on Sunday.

Minister for Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives Md Tajul Islam on Sunday said that BNP confuses people propagating baseless ideas.
“BNP confuses the people of the country with various baseless messages and making shameless falsehood against the government,” he said.
He was speaking as the chief guest at the inaugural function of Sanitation Month at the Department of Public Health Engineering in the capital on Sunday, said a press release.
 “BNP is now showing the people of the country the dream of heaven but when they were in power, they made the country a hell,” he said.
He said: “If you cannot cooperate with the government, at least you should not confuse the people making falsehood during the crisis.”
Today BNP cannot show any of their development works done during their government’s tenure, being jealous of the development works of AL government, Tajul said, adding BNP is now busy with making falsehood.
Senior Secretary of the ministry presided over the programme while State Minister of the ministry Swapan Bhattacharjeeand UNICEF Representative in Bangladesh Ms. Vira Mendonc were present, among others.
