Blind in search of life meaning by braille

Rayhanul Islam :
At the age of two, albeit an incurable disorder related to skull took the light of both eyes of Asif Karim Patowary away, but it could not triumph the light of his hope.
Besides, he never give up helm, and so Asif Karim is still studying in
intermediate first year at Humanities group of Notre Dame College and want to be a Barrister in future to get rid of mass people from being exploitation in judicial arena by serving free judicial service to them.
He told these on Sunday evening to The New Nation while he sitting at Braille Prakashani stall with a Braille copy of “Ami Tapu” by renowned Professor Zafar Iqbal for interpreting this before visitors.
A good number of visitors thronged in front of this stall to observe this amazing performance that how a blind people to read books smoothly like a normal one.
This prokashani located at Bangla Academy premises in Amar Ekushy Grantra Mela organized by Sporsha organization, a welfare organization of blind people.
Asif also told that “he also wants to be honest and sincere to his task as distressed people fall in sufferings due to officials dishonesty and irregularities”.  
In order to notify the country’s people that blinds can too read books and gain knowledge like others, Naziya Zavin, also a blind personnel, established this organization in 2008.
The main purpose of Sporsha organization is to spread the light of knowledge to all blind people so that they can go ahead by enlightening their mind, Naziya said.  
Founder Naziya Zavin added, there are no Braille copy of books within thousands published books in current book fair that is main barrier to blinds to gain knowledge
 “We are getting scorned and lag behind not only in fair but in colleges and universities as there also are no braille books at all”.
To increase the collection of braille, he suggested to authority that it should have mandatory by authority that those who take stalls in fair, they have to submit a braille book every year.
Naziya also demanded to authority to set up one’s more braille stalls at fair from next year.  
Another blind Kabir Hossen a student of DU, said, “We are unheeded in all spheres of society due to our inability. For instance, city’s local bus did not take us inside it for being a blind”.  
As per the information from co-coordinator of Sporsha at fair, Sheikh Rabiul Islam, a total of Sixty one braille books published at ten years of it establishment.
Of these, a total of fourteen fresh braille copy of books including “Ami Tapu” and “Akhy Abong Amra Kajon” by Zafar Iqbal as well as biography of Poet Sufia Kamal by Maleka Begum have arrived in this fair.
Besides, a braille book “Haser Paye Ghury” by Sporsha founder Naziya Zavin has arrived in this fair.
Stall coordinator Sheikh Rabiul Islam told that in order to show before visitors that how to blind one interpret books, we placed this stall and here, a total of three blinds are showing their efficiency by reading braille books.
The main purpose of Sporsha organization is to spread the light of knowledge to all blind people so that they can go ahead by enlightening their mind.
