Blair hints at return to frontline politics to save Brexit Britain

Reuters, London :
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair could return to a frontline role in British politics to try to prevent Theresa May’s Conservative Party from destroying the country with a so-called “hard Brexit”, he said in an interview.
The only Labour prime minister to win three general elections, Blair was hugely popular during the start of his 10 years in power but his support for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq severely tarnished his reputation.
In an interview with Esquire Magazine, Blair said it was a “tragedy” that Britons were left with a choice between a Conservative Party intent on a hard Brexit and a Labour Party that he described as “ultra-left” and stuck in the 1960s.
“I don’t know if there’s a role for me,” he said. “There’s a limit to what I want to say about my own position at this moment.
“All I can say is that this is where politics is at. Do I feel strongly about it? Yes, I do. Am I very motivated by that? Yes. Where do I go from here? What exactly do I do? That’s an open question.”
Britain’s shock vote to leave the European Union in June propelled May to power and the former interior minister has indicated that she sees the vote as a demand for wide-ranging change in the way Britain is run.