Bhasha Matin’s body goes to DMCH after tearful adieu


UNB, Dhaka :The body of Language Movement veteran Abdul Matin was handed over to Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) on Thursday for medical research and education as per his last wish.Matin’s wife Gulbadan Nesa Monika handed over his mortal remains to DMCH authorities on the premises of Central Shaheed Minar at 1:45pm, after people from all walks of life paid their last respects to the Language Movement hero.Talking to reporters, Gulbadan said she has handed over Motin’s body to DMCH Vice Principal Shafiul Alam as per his wish, and urged the young generation to follow the ideals of Matin.Before his death, Matin donated his eyes to Sandhani while body to the DMCH Anatomy Department for learning purpose.As per his wish, Sandhani, a voluntary organisation, collected his corneas soon after his death on Wednesday and then his body was kept at the mortuary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU).His body was brought to the Central Shaheed Minar around 12:05 pm in an ambulance decorated with flowers enabling the public to pay their last tributes.People from all walks of life flocked to the Central Shaheed Minar and paid their last respects to Bhasha Matin, a forerunner of the historic Language Movement in 1952, showering flower petals and wreaths on his coffin.They stood in queue with flowers to pay their last respects to one of the greatest sons of the soil.Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) made the arrangement with the help of Sammilito Sangskritik Jote.Leaders of different political parties, including Awami League, BNP and left parties, socio-cultural and student organisations, teachers, littérateurs, journalists, artistes and eminent personalities, paid their homage to one of the organisers of the 1952 Language Movement.Matin’s mortal remains were kept on the Shaheed Minar premises for nearly two hours.Health Minister Mohammad Nasim along with Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid paid the last respect to the language veteran on behalf of Bangladesh Awami League.BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir along with Nazrul Islam Khan, Hannan Shah, Mirza Abbas and Habibun Nabi Khan Sohel represented the BNP in paying the last homage to Bhasha Matin.The programme for paying the last tributes to Matin at the National Shaheed Minar concluded around 2pm through observance of a one-minute silence as a mark of respect for the Language Movement hero. Then his body was taken to the DMCH.Abdul Matin, popularly known as Bhasha Matin, died at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) hospital on Wednesday morning at the age of 88. He had been on life support at the BSMMU since Saturday.Born on December 3, 1926, Abdul Matin was an active activist of the Language Movement in 1952. He is one of the leading student leaders and organisers of the movement.
