Bhabna’s Mapkathi

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Ashna Habib Bhabna is now one of the accepted actresses of present time among the viewers. She is versatile actress. She always tries to work in challenging roles. If she does not like her role and story then she does not agree to work in that play or telefilm. Bhabna has liking about the story written by Matia Banu Shuku. She played in role of Tishita in Matia Banu Shuku scripted and Md Robiul Shikder directed play titled Mapkathi. Shooting of the play has already been done in different locations in the capital. Newcomer Shams Uddin Chowdhury acted against Bhabna in this play.
While talking about the play director Robiul told this correspondent, “Any kind of grammar is not being followed at present time in case of giving direction of play. Anybody makes play by own way. As a result, our play in industry is being destroyed now. It is time to protect this. I always try to follow grammar while giving direction. Bhabna Apa also co-operated us.”
Bhabna shared her feelings by this way, “Basically Shuku Apa contacted with me to act in the play Mapkathi. In fact, I have liking about her script. As Robi worked with Shuku Apa’s assistant for many days and I knew him well, so I have decided to work under his direction. He has tried his level best while giving direction in the play. We should come forward to act in new directors’ projects as they can get inspiration to work.”