BFIU discloses 71 financial crime reports

BSS, Dhaka :
Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) has provided 71 reports of financial crimes to different organizations. Besides, it has identified 619 Suspicious Transaction Report (STR)in the year.
The BFIU disclosed the number at the report of fiscal 2013-14 that was released Monday. Bangladesh Bank (BB) Governor Dr Atiur Rahman unveiled the report at BB headquarters at a ceremony.
The BFIU said they have mainly provided the information to the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC), CID, Police and other intelligence agencies.
Of the total 71 reports, highest 15 related to corruption while 11 reports for fraudulent, 9 for human trafficking, 5 for money transfer and currency smuggling, 4 for illegal wealth and murder, 3 for militant financing, 2 for bribe and drug business, one for toll and 8 for other cases.
On the other hand, 619 cases have been identified for STR which was 199 more compared to the previous fiscal 2012-13.
Apart from the STR, amount of the cash transaction report (CTR) has also been increased in the period and the amount was 32,01,929 which was 3,56,450 more compared to the previous fiscal.