BEA greets govt initiative to introduce pension scheme


BSS, Dhaka :
The Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA) has welcomed the government’s initiative for introducing a universal pension scheme for people above the age of 60. The apex body of economists of Bangladesh thanked Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to start the implementation of the groundbreaking and much-anticipated initiative, said a press release on Tuesday.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday last directed the authorities concerned to frame a universal pension scheme for the people aged above 60, including those worked in the non-formal sector, in line with the electoral manifesto of Bangladesh Awami League. The Prime Minister made the directive while witnessing a presentation of ‘Introduction of Universal Pension System’ at her official residence Ganabhaban.
The Finance Division made the presentation in the morning, said prime minister’s assistant press secretary MM Emrul Kayas. “The Prime Minister directed to design a universal pension scheme for all the people aged above 60, who worked in public, private sectors and all sorts of informal sectors,” he said. The Prime Minister also asked to set up an authority over the universal pension scheme, he added.
