Readers' Forum: Be kind to the pets

Recently a cat show was held at National Press Club, Dhaka, organised by Cat Concern, an affiliate of Animal Concern of Bangladesh to express love and concern for the animals, especially the pets. It was stated to be the first of its kind which generated much enthusiasm among the visitors especially the cat lovers. Clean and lovely domestic cats were on display at the unique show.
When I look at the cats and dogs on the roads, it makes me sad. Nowadays they do not find enough food for their survival even in the dustbins! I strongly feel that we should take some care of these ‘free’ (not stray because I still consider them part of the mainstream) animals by providing food and some medical treatment to the sick ones. Sometimes ‘free’ dogs and cats get seriously hurt by accident and they are seen wandering with broken limbs with great difficulties. They deserve our sympathy.

Professor M Zahidul Haque
SAU, Dhaka